PED-lab Nov 13

My tools for education

by Johan Kohlin

(use arrow keys for navigation)

Some tools I use:

  • Create and share your presentations online
  • embed any type of content in your slides
    • ​interactive content (see below)
    • youtube videos
    • animated gifs etc
  • Possible to edit afterwards.
  • Easy to reuse old slides for new presentations

Vertical slides for subject details

Interactive content

This is another web site embedded in this slide. You can interact with it.

Online videos

Entire websites

f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x} \,d\xi

TEX Math formulas

f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty
    \hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x}

Code windows

var pair = ["J", "J"];
var threeOfAKind = ["9", "9", "9"];
var fullHouse = pair.concat(threeOfAKind);

2 dimensional slide order

  • get questions from shy students
  • test their previous knowledge

Student's view

Teacher's view

Quick assessments

Doodle MeetMe

  • Add calendar subscriptions:
    • Outlook calendar
    • Google calendar
    • Kronox iCal calendar
    • Any ICS feed
  • Lets students/colleagues suggest
    a time for meeting. 
  • You get notified via email
  • You cancel or accept meeting.

PED-lab Nov 13

By Johan Kohlin

PED-lab Nov 13

  • 627