• Lecture #12 SEO

    ©Johan Kohlin

  • Exam prep II

    Writing functions with parameters that return values

  • Exam prep

    Repetition for the exam

  • JSX4


  • Web Exercise

    We're creating a responsive page with grids.

  • JS6


  • JSX3

    Arrays and functions

  • Web11

    Grids & tables

  • JSX2

  • JS5


  • web10


  • JSX1

    Conditionals and Loops exercise

  • JS4


  • web9

    Transform & Animation

  • JS3

    Pseudo code, operators, if else, for loops

  • JS2

    Variables and types

  • Client side programming 2019

    Course introduction

  • Web8

    Images; HTML responsiveness, CSS-responsiveness, web-optimization

  • Web7

    Responsive design

  • Web 6

    Flex part II , pseudo classes, pseudo elements, creating your own baseline grid

  • web5

    Focus on Flexbox display:flex justify-content flex-wrap flex-basis flex-grow/-shrink More selectors: Pseudo classes

  • Web4

    Pseudo classes, images, background-images, float, position and display.

  • web3

    Basics of CSS

  • web2

    HTML - Semantic elements

  • Course introduction 2020

  • PWA

  • Hooks and plugins 2019

  • More on templating

  • Exercise Week 10

  • Canvas + Image + Audio + Keyboard Control

  • The project

  • Animation and canvas

  • Events, Callback functions and Forms

  • Setting up & Content Management

  • Fragments feature request

  • Exam preparation

    Exam preparation. Tips on studying

  • Exercise Nov 27

  • Lecture 5 - Objects

  • Array Exercise

  • PED-lab Nov 13

  • Lecture 4 - Arrays

  • Lecture 3


  • JavaSCript Lecture 2

    Pseudo code, operators, if else, for loops

  • Client side programming 2018

    Fall 2018

  • JavaScript Lecture 1

  • Lecture 10

  • Lecture 9

  • Lecture 8

  • Lecture 6

    The Document Object Model

  • lecture-5