Web and user interface design

Web and user interface design

Course documents - CANVAS




office: E3410

email: kojo@ju.se


Lab Tutors

office: E3406b

email: domina.kiunsi@ju.se




Course coordinator

Lectures (only)

What this course is about


  • HTML coding
  • CSS coding
  • Web Layout principles
  • Device agnostic, responsive Design
  • Search Engine Optimization

What this course is about

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After a successful course, the student shall

Knowledge and understanding

- show familiarity with the communication between web clients and web servers
- demonstrate comprehension of the different aspects of web based system architecture

Skills and abilities

- demonstrate the ability to apply HTML5 standards in the construction of documents  
- demonstrate the ability to apply CSS3 in the design of a web site

- demonstrate the ability to apply precompiled CSS (SASS/LESS)
- demonstrate the ability to develop a finished web solution with the aid of CSS3 and HTML5 following a given specifications and a focus on sustainability
- demonstrate the ability to develop a web site according to principles and best practices of responsive web design

Judgement and approach

- demonstrate the ability to suggest a user interface that is user friendly and useable, and to motivate why


What this course is about


To turn this...

...into more customers


@White :#FFFFFF;
@Black :#000000;
@numbers :#E68200;
@keywords :#FFB500;
@property :#FFDB82;

main > nav.navigation a {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Pizzeria Campino</title>
    <nav class="navigation">

Web design has a purpose

It's not just typography, colors and layout 

Why learn code?

  1. New media is not made of paper and paint, but 0's and 1's. 
  2. To know the design constraints of New media,
    you need to understand the technologie's constraints.
  3. Opens up more job opportunities
  4. Because Code is so much fun :) 

There is a rare breed of web designer who can handle all ... from content strategy to UX to frontend development to what happens on the server. These folks are known in the biz as "unicorns". I’ve met a few!

-Jennifer Niederst Robbins

Course structure

12 lectures

4 lab assignments

1 group assignment

1 exam


4 credits

3,5 credits

\frac{\left(3+3+3\right)\ast0,67+5\ast2}{4\ assignments}=4\
\frac{(4\ credits\ast4)+(3,5\ credits\ast5)}{7,5\ credits}=4,5\ \approx5


Lab 2-4

Group assignment

Individual exam


4 credits

3,5 credits




\frac{\left(5+5+5\right)\ast0,67+3\ast2}{5\ assignments}=4\
\frac{(4\ credits\ast4)+(3,5\ credits\ast5)}{7,5\ credits}=4,5\ \approx5


Lab 2-5

Group assignment

Individual exam


4 credits

3,5 credits





Lab Groups

Find Doodle in Canvas



via Zoom

Find password in Canvas


Lab 1

Lab 2

Lab 3

Lab 4

Group assignment


Passing Assignments

  1. Download from-/ Upload to Canvas

Passing Assignments

2. Present to Domina

Why present each assignment?


  • Because it’s important that we know that
    you understand your code.
  • And don’t worry - we will exemplify what you will be expected to present during a later lecture.
  • DON'T SAVE ALL TILL THE END, we don't have staff enough to help everybody who wants to present 4 labs in december.

Group assignment

E-commerce website

1. Wireframes

2. Style guide + prototypes

3. <p>Code it</p>


  • 15 hours
  • on your own
  • anywhere
  • code a one page website
  • case = secret for now
  • December 13

Might change!

Learning Web Design

A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics


by Jennifer Niederst Robbins

Online resources

All details in Course PM

Read it!

it's in Canvas


A brief history of the web...

  • Research documents with hyperlinks 1966-1989
  • All text based – no images, no animations, nothing cool...
  • New web browsers with support for images
  • Better bandwidth » More graphics » FLASH! and video

The early web

  • Nobody knew how the web should be navigated
  • Skeuomorphism 
  • The term “Web 2.0” was coined Early 2000
    • Emphasis on user generated content
    • Loose control over pixel perfect design

The usable web

  • Web 2.0 needed a more fluid design
  • CSS3 launched
    • new flexible containers
    • browser window responsiveness
    • Animations 
  • Websites became focus for HCI research

2010 The mobile decennial 

  • 2009 We got the smartphone (pinchable web)
  • Hello HTML5, goodbye Flash
  • New advanced JavaScript Libraries (Angular, React, Vue)
  • 2016 -Mobile overtook Desktop on web browsing
  • Installable Progressive Web applications

latest in web development...

  • Node.js - Javascript on the server
  • Electron - Desktop applications with HTML+CSS+JS
    • Atom, VS Code, Discord, Skype, Slack
  • React-native - Native Mobile apps with HTML+CSS+JS
    • ​facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Discord, Skype
  • ​AI: chatbots, adaptive UI
  • VR, AR
  • Cyber security

Working as

web developers and interface designers

The process


Credit union web design: how-we-work

Forge & Smith: our process

webaartz: agile course of action


It basically goes like this...

The process

  1. Research
  2. Strategy
  3. Conceptualize
  4. Design
  5. Development
  6. Measure, Optimize, Analyze

Client interview


  • What do they do?
    How do they do that
  • Where are they heading?
    Long term ambitions
  • Understand the company (brand)
    be interested
    be curious





The Competition


  • What do they do?
    How do they do that
  • Where are they heading?
    Long term ambitions
  • Understand the competition
  • SWOT

The users


Who are they?

What will they expect?

Concept statement


Define project goals

Define the client’s target groups

Define the client’s message

chiseling out


Textual and visual language

Mood boards


Mockups and prototypes


Information Architecture


Style tiles

Coding, Writing...


  • Write copy
  • Create graphics
  • Take photos
  • Build website 
  • Execute campaigns

Measure & optimize


  • Google analytics
  • Ad words
  • SEO
  • Social media

one more thing...

understanding of

web technologies

From the syllabus:

show familiarity with the communication between web clients and web servers

Client-server communication

it starts with a http request

The client

(not the company that hire you to redesign their site)

a client is a device used to browse the web

The server

a server is an online computer (software) supplying content for the web

Client-server communication


The http response

What the server sends you back, is an HTML document

Your browser makes

automated requests

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>Jönköping University</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ju.se/style.css">
    <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="JU logotype">
    <h1>WE ARE JU</h1>

93 request- & response cycles  later:

Till next time

Ch 4-6

Course introduction 2020

By Johan Kohlin

Course introduction 2020

  • 1,418