Lecture #7

Book chapter 17


Web and user interface design



Responsive Web design

  • A design that adapts to any device or screen size
  • One HTML source
  • Multiple breakpoints in CSS (media queries)

Example: JU.se

The ideology

  • Design for an optimal viewing experience
  • Use standards-based technologies
  • More flexible designs
  • More adaptive to the media


  1. Force mobile devices to zoom in
  2. Use flexible units, like % or vw
  3. Scalable images/videos
  4. Media queries

#1 Force zoom-in

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Pinch: Just a fallback solution

#2 Use flexible units

for a fluid layout

Units with relative sizes are:

50% = half of parent element width

50vw = half of browser window width

100vh = entire browser window height

#3 Scalable media

img, video {
  max-width: 100%;

It means:

Be as big as you can
but never bigger than your actual size.

To serve the optimal sized image, see responsive images

#4 Media queries

add screen size breakpoints in your layout

@media (min-width:640px) {

  .page-content {
    flex-direction: row;
  .hero {


hides these rules until the browser is wider than 640px

Let's have a look

The media query block

groups/surrounds rules for a specific context

Usually, at the end of your CSS-file (where it overwrite previous rules)

@media type and (feature){


rules to apply when type and feature is true, go inside these curly brackets

media types

specifies a target medium

@media print {

@media screen {

@media speech {


when viewed in a device's browser

when web page is printed

when web page is read by screen reader




  • remove ads
  • hide navigation
  • hide related content
  • use a serif font face
  • make it fit on an A4
  • use cm for margins


  • remove images
  • simplified navigation
  • Focus on logical order



media features

specifies media properties

@media (feature: value) and (feature: value) {


To combine multiple feature tests use and or , (comma means or). See here for more logic

Feature Value Description
min-width e.g. 480px if the device is at least this big
max-width e.g. 50em if the device is no more than this value
orientation portrait, landscape If the browser is more wide than tall,
or the device is upright or not
min-resolution 192dpi only for high resolution displays
max-resolution 96dpi for standard displays
-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio 2 Safari on retina displays

Put them together

@media screen and (min-width: 480px){

@media (min-width: 480px){


...or do this for ALL media types

Start from

desktop or mobile?

  • Mobile first forces you to
    • think "economically"
    • scrutinize content
    • rank importance
    • think about UX

jonkoping.se  / January 2012

jonkoping.se  / July 2012

a little too extreme

Mobile first


Mobile first


Mobile first


1. Preferences / Advanced/ Show developer menu...

2. Develop / Enter responsive deign mode

Choosing breakpoints

Don't worry about device widths. Go for weird looks.

  • Enlarge the browser, until it looks weird
  • Don't just sit on a 13" laptop
  • Find a big screen
  • Run a local server:
    • Try for real on a tablet
    • Try for real on a mobile

How do you fit all that in a mobile view

Content parity

Don't leave it out, show it on demand

Content parity

Dropping portions of your site on small screens because you think mobile users won’t need it is false thinking.
-Jennifer Robbins


responsive strategies

Mostly fluid

Column drop

Off canvas


Top navigation


  • Easy to implement
  • No complicated CSS
  • No JavaScript needed


  • Height issues
  • Not scalable
  • Fat Fingers
  • cross device issues

Priority +top menu


  • Fat Fingers
  • Javascript needed*

Select menu


  • Frees up space
  • Keeps interactions in the header
  • Easily recognizable
  • Uses native controls


  • Hard to style
  • Potentially confusing
  • No good way to deal with sub menus
  • Javascript needed

Link to footer


  • Easy to implement
  • No Javascript
  • Scales well
  • Single button in header


  • Fragment links can be disorienting
  • Not elegant 😊 

The flyout


  • Lots of space
  • Good looking
  • App conventions


  • Advanced

The toggle


  • Keeps the user in place
  • Elegant
  • Easy to scale up


Toggle sub navigation




By Johan Kohlin


Responsive design

  • 1,102