Lecture #4


Web and user interface design



(To solve lab 2)

you also need lecture #5

Learn today:

  • Background-image
  • position absolute
  • float
  • and more

Pseudo classes



pseudo-selector description
:target a document fragment that match the URL (ju.se#id)
a:link unvisited link
a:visited visited link
:hover when mouse is over the selector
:active mouse is pressed down (links and buttons)

interactive pseudo classes

Pseudo classes

selector description
p:not(.red) all <p> except <p class="red">
li:first-child first element in a group of siblings
li:last-child last element in a group of siblings
li:nth-child(n+1) select which child in a group of siblings

advanced selectors

nth-child demo

The image element

<img src="" alt="">
  • The <img> element is an inline semantic element
  • It should only show images of contextual importance
  • It is usually placed in a paragraph and floated (see slide 6)
  • Decorative images should be CSS background-images (see slide 5)

Use <img>

Did you know that water melon consists of only 5% water? Well according to pseudo science this fruit is mainly made out of carbon fibers and sugar. The liquid  feel is just imaginary.

Use background-image

roses are red

violets are blue

I love you

descriptive image

decorative image

A typical example

Image as a block

figure & figcaption

  • Wikipedia style images
  • <figure> + <figcaption>
  • Figure is a Block element
  • figcaption in an inline element
  • it's for the image description
	<img src="flower.jpg" alt="">
		A flower 

Figure example

CSS for <img>


width & height

only set either to keep proportions, or use with...


fill (default, stretch out)

contain (don't crop, shrink to smallest of width/height)

cover (crop top and bottom)

none (original size, cropped to width & height)

scale-down (whichever is smallest of contain or none)


a CSS property for decorative images

	background-image: url('../img/top-image.png');
	background-repeat: no-repeat; /* repeat-x or repeat-y*/
	background-position-x: center; /* left right 50% 10px*/
	background-position-y: top; /* bottom center... */
	background-size: cover; /* contain 50% 250px */
	background-attachment: fixed; /*  scroll */

Image Layout

float: left/right/none

  • Suitable on images, to have text wrap around it
  • Has been used to stack block elements horizontally for layout
  • Hard to control as a layout property
  • clear:left/right/both ignores previous siblings' float

click to float

  1. Click the wireframe 
  2. Recreate it in the codepen
  3. Use float and clear


how to position an element

  • static
  • relative
  • absolute
  • fixed
  • sticky


how much to move the element

  • any unit works
  • px
  • em
  • %
  • etc..

Moving things around


The default position

the element will not be affected by 

top, bottom left or right.

position: relative

Keep your seat, but be movable

  • the element is now positioned
  • will stay at default position unless...
  • top, bottom left or right is altered
  • its nudged from its position

position: absolute

free flying, not part of the flow

  • has escaped its static position.
  • positioned relative to its nearest positioned parent
  • top, bottom left or right places it based on parent's position

position: fixed

like a post-it on your screen

  • has escaped its static position.
  • positioned relative to its nearest positioned parent
  • top, bottom left or right places it based on parent position
  • is not scrollable. 
  • Stays on the screen at that position

position: sticky

scrolls until it sticks

  • has its default static position
  • top tells were it should stop scrolling and get fixed
  • Stays on the screen at that position

position demo



display: none/block/inline...


  • The display property lets us change behaviour on elements
    • a block elements can act like an inline
    • an inline elements can behave like a block etc
  • There are two types of display modes:
    • outer, changing the element itself (inline, block, none)
    • inner, changing direct children of the element (flex, grid)

menu demos

Display none demo

Till next time

Read/Do Chapter 16 - Flexbox


By Johan Kohlin


Pseudo classes, images, background-images, float, position and display.

  • 1,121